"You can get to know a person better in an hour while playing than in a year with a conversation."
Tennis is a special game. It's like life. Among other things, a satisfactory result requires perseverance, acquired knowledge, technology, creativity and empathy. The course of a tennis match also has interesting parallels to everyday life.
For one, there is a lot of time to think during the match. It is well known that if you think hard, you can easily find many problems. Breaks between rallies and games open up many opportunities to use your own thoughts to transform a victory that you believed to be certain into an incomprehensible defeat.
Furthermore, every player is in constant interaction with someone opposite. The sole purpose of this is to destroy all the efforts of his opponent in order to enforce his own success (luckily we also find win-win situations outside of the court).
Tennis differs from everyday life in one important aspect. The mask of learned and socially accepted behavior is quickly dropped. Quiet, elegant and level-headed people often show unbelievable anger, anger, cunning, rebellion and strength on the tennis court, but also dejection and sadness.
Recognizing your emotions is a big step in working on your personality. Through upbringing or disappointment, people tend to suppress their feelings. Feeling intensely is hard-earned luxury. The difficult path is rewarded with contact with oneself. This leads to satisfaction and joie de vivre.
It often takes months or years of work to release one's emotions.
On the tennis court, almost everyone can do it alone in a few minutes without a couch from a therapist.
We are concerned with questions that we ask ourselves every day
What does my counterpart trigger in me?
Do I treat myself with respect?
How long does it take for me to begin to doubt or give up?
Do I get nervous easily?
How do I deal with my own inability?
Do I quickly find excuses or someone to blame?
How do I react to scams or taunts?
How do I behave under surveillance?
How do I keep concentration?
How do I motivate myself?
Can i be proud of myself

We unconsciously live the behavioral patterns that we recognize on the tennis court in everyday life. The mood that is clearly visible through tennis (and not masked by shame or rules of conduct) can be used to quickly gain access to one's own behavioral patterns. This opens up the possibility of questioning these patterns for use or purpose and, if necessary, changing them.

Tennis training and awareness
In training units, after a short warm-up, tennis is played in targeted stroke training with the trainer for 10 to 15 minutes.
In the breaks in between, the player and the coach question how they deal with the feelings perceived in the game or competition. A 90-minute unit takes turns playing and speaking.
The improvement achieved in training can be used both in tennis matches and in everyday life.
It is expressly not about therapeutic work on the tennis court. It's about tennis technique, moves and tactics based on mental issues.

Possible topics
respectful treatment of oneself and others
Self-doubt / self-criticism
Preliminary talk: approx. 20 minutes (free of charge)
- Explanation of the training process, the methodology and the possibilities by the trainer
- Explanation of the prospect's ideas and expectations
- Joint consideration of whether training and ideas meet
- Advice from the trainer that training from 5 units makes sense
- Cooperation agreement
first hour (chargeable)
another 5 hours (chargeable / package price)

Harald Beck, MSc
certified ÖTV tennis coach
1030 Wien | Steingasse 26

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